

Basic Render (same window)

Component(props).render(container, ?context)

Render the component to the given container element.

props { [string] : any }

Object containing all of the props required by the given component. These can be user-defined props, or pre-defined built-in props.

  foo: "bar",
  onBaz: () => {
    console.log("Baz happened");

See Parent Props for built-in props that can be passed to any zoid component.

container string | HTMLElement

Element selector, or element, into which the component should be rendered.

Defaults to document.body.

context iframe | popup

The context to render to. Defaults to defaultContext, or if defaultContext is not set, iframe.

Remote render (different window)

Component(props).renderTo(win, container, ?context)

Equivalent to Component().render() but allows rendering to a remote window. For example, a child component may render a new component to the parent page.

win Window

The target window to which the component should be rendered. Ordinarily this will be window.parent.

props { [string] : any }

Object containing all of the props required by the given component

container string

Element selector, into which the component should be rendered. Must be a string for remote rendering

Defaults to document.body.

context iframe | popup

The context to render to. Defaults to defaultContext, or if defaultContext is not set, iframe.