
Component Instance

After instantiating a component, that component instance has a number of helpers.

const MyComponent = zoid.create({
  tag: "my-component",
  url: "https://my-site.com/my-component",

const component = MyComponent({
  foo: "bar",
  onSomething: () => {
    console.log("Something happened!");

render (container : string | HTMLElement, context : 'iframe' | 'popup') => Promise<void>

Render the component to a given container.

const component = MyComponent();

component.render("#my-container").then(() => {
  console.info("The component was successfully rendered");
const component = MyComponent();

component.render(document.body).then(() => {
  console.info("The component was successfully rendered");
const component = MyComponent();

component.render("#my-container", "popup").then(() => {
  console.info("The component was successfully rendered");

renderTo (window : Window, container : string | HTMLElement, context : 'iframe' | 'popup') => Promise<void>

Render the component to a given window and given container.

const component = MyComponent();

component.renderTo(window.parent, "#my-container").then(() => {
  console.info("The component was successfully rendered");
const component = MyComponent();

component.renderTo(window.parent, "#my-container", "popup").then(() => {
  console.info("The component was successfully rendered");

clone () => ZoidComponentInstance

Clones the current instance with the exact same set of props

const button1 = ButtonComponent({
  color: "red",

const button2 = button1.clone();

button1.render("#first-button-container"); // First red button
button2.render("#first-button-container"); // Second red button

isEligible () => boolean

Informs if the component is eligible

const myComponent = MyComponent();

if (myComponent.isEligible()) {

To use isEligible() you must first define an eligible handler when setting up the component:

const FirefoxOnlyButton = zoid.create({
  tag: "my-component",
  url: "https://my-site.com/my-component",
  eligible: () => {
    if (isFireFox()) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

close () => Promise<void>

Gracefully close the component

const myComponent = MyComponent();

  .addEventListener("click", () => {
    myComponent.close().then(() => {
      console.log("Component is now closed");

focus () => Promise<void>

Focus the component. Only works for popup windows, on a user action like a click.

const myComponent = MyComponent();

  .addEventListener("click", () => {
    myComponent.focus().then(() => {
      console.log("Component is now focused");

resize ({ width : number, height : number }) => Promise<void>

Resize the component. Only works for iframe windows, popups can not be resized once opened.

const myComponent = MyComponent();

  .addEventListener("click", () => {
    myComponent.resize({ width: 500, height: 800 }).then(() => {
      console.log("Component is now resized");

show () => Promise<void>

Show the component. Only works for iframe windows, popups can not be hidden/shown once opened.

const myComponent = MyComponent();

  .addEventListener("click", () => {
    myComponent.show().then(() => {
      console.log("Component is now visible");

hide () => Promise<void>

Hide the component. Only works for iframe windows, popups can not be hidden/shown once opened.

const myComponent = MyComponent();

  .addEventListener("click", () => {
    myComponent.hide().then(() => {
      console.log("Component is now hidden");

updateProps ({ [string ] : any }) => Promise<void>

Update props in the child window. The child can listen for new props using window.xprops.onProps

In the parent window:

const component = MyComponent({
  color: "red",

component.render("#container").then(() => {
    color: "blue",

In the child window:

console.log("The current color is", window.xprops.color); // red

window.xprops.onProps(() => {
  console.log("The current color is", window.xprops.color); // lue

onError (Error) => Promise<void>

Trigger an error in the component

const myComponent = MyComponent();

document.querySelector("button#trigger-error").addEventListener("click", () => {
  myComponent.onError(new Error(`Something went wrong`)).then(() => {
    console.log("Error successfully triggered");


Event emitter that can be used to listen for the following events: RENDER, RENDERED, PRERENDER, PRERENDERED, DISPLAY, ERROR, CLOSED, PROPS, RESIZE.

const myComponent = MyComponent();

myComponent.event.on(zoid.EVENT.RENDERED, () => {
  console.log("Component was rendered!");


Any values defined in export and passed to window.xprops.export() will be available as keys on the component instance:

const CreatePostForm = zoid.create({
    tag: 'create-post-form',
    url: 'https://my-site.com/component/create-post-form',

    exports: ({ getExports }) => {
        return {
            submit: () => getExports().then(exports => exports.submit())

Once this mapper is defined, the child window may export values up to the parent:

  submit: () => {

The parent window may call these exports at any time:

const postForm = CreatePostForm();

document.querySelector("button#submitForm").addEventListener("click", () => {